Friday, January 13, 2012


So I've grown a new love for pistachios. For some reason, I couldn't put them down today and I ate the entire bowl. One of life's joys--discovering new foods we like. I rest in the fact of knowing that I can buy [Lord willing] pistaccios whenever I want. But what does that say about my lifestyle? To choose our food is a right, isn't it? Unfortunately the latter is true. While I am consumed in choosing my dail meal, people are choosing between food or diapers for their child. Extreme poverty breaks our heart ,yes, but what about those who get lost in the cracks of life? I met a boy in the city bus today. He had to be around 10 or 11 years old. He took a seat right next to me and I could feel the warmth of his shoulder touching mine. At a first moment's glance he appeared to be the son of the woman in front of me. However, minutes later I discovered that she was not his mom...nor did it appear that this child had a home maybe to live in. He was selling cheap comic books at the age of 10. His work had him so exhausted, however, that he fell quickly asleep in the seat. In fact, he could not even keep his eyes open for the ride. My mind began to wander....what made this precious child so tired at noon on a Friday? What challenges must he be facing at home or on the streets that confront him with the reality that he is in need of selling comic books on a city bus? My heart was strained for this boy. Why? Why him? Why does he have to struggle with so much as I live with so little of life's realities. But, what could I do? What should I have done? What possible solution can I give with the resources on me at the time? Is it possible to change a life? Is it possible to give others the same priveleges such as choosing our daily foods? I may not see it as much, or think it will change the world, but God does have something to say about this. It says in Matthew 10:42 [And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.] Why God? Why this little boy? Or are we asking the wrong question...we should be saying how can you use me God? Sometimes its easier to blame a foreign source than to take responsibility on our own shoulders and seek justice for the poor, the widows, and the captive. With that said, I propose we take action. What do we do with these questions? How do we offer hope in a world that only sees destructive realities? Ok, everyone send their leftovers to Africa where some child does not have food. No, that's not the idea. The action should come from our heart and our faith in God. Let us be creative! Why not invite the boy out to lunch and spend quality time with him as we both take part in the privelege of choosing our meal...I just might try that next time.

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